Installation instructions

  • Install the Haskell tool stack. The recommended way is by simply downloading a binary for your platform.
  • Download the latest release of the rarecoal repository, or clone it directly via git clone In the latter case you can also easily update the repository by executing git pull within the directory.
  • cd into the downloaded folder.
  • Run stack build. This will download all the dependencies, including the Haskell Compiler, and may take a while. You may get an error about missing software such as pkg-config, or gsl, which then need to be installed using your standard package manager, such as apt-get on Linux or brew on a Mac. As soon as you have installed those, just run stack build again to continue where you left before the error.
  • After building, the executables are buried relatively deep in the hidden .stack-work directory within the rarecoal directory. You can either find them in there or simply run stack install to copy the executables into “~/.local/bin”. You should then add this directory to your path.
  • Download the rarecoal-tools repository and install it using stack build and stack install exactly as described above for the rarecoal repository.